Jimmy* Is Toilet Trained
Six years Old. Severe Autism. He Can Now use the Potty!
When this child started in therapeutic riding classes, he was not toilet trained at the age of six. Many children with autism struggle with toilet training due to gravitational insecurity -- they struggle to process where their bodies are in space and many sensory experiences are scary and uncomfortable for them.
After riding for about six weeks, he sat and used the toilet without being prompted. It is hypothesized that riding a rose can strengthen the pelvic floor and provide increased awareness of sensations relating to using the restroom. His mother reported that she attributes this change completely to riding.
This child has also become more communicative and shows improved balance and cores strength. As you can imagine, toilet training is life-changing not only for the child but for the mother! (Plus it has eliminated the financial hardship of purchasing diapers.)
* Name has been changed and stock photo has been used to safeguard the privacy of our client.